Good graphics lead to sales

“Ok,” you say, “I’m convinced that I need some good graphics- but how do I do that? What makes an image good?” One of the coolest tools out there right now is It’s freemium (it’s free but has premium features for a fee) and it has everything from icons to stock photos to animations. Go get a free account and start playing around. You won’t break anything I promise.

There are 3 things you need to know to make some quality graphics and get more sales.

1. What is the appropriate size for this image?

Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all have different sizes. So does WordPress, LinkedIn and YouTube. If you have one piece of content you are pushing on multiple channels, one image isn’t going to work. You’ll have to create multiple images to fit the application. The good news is that has lots of templates and you can check out this awesome cheat sheet created by our friends over at Twirp to see all of the information you’ll need about size before you get started.

2. What am I really trying to say?

One of the biggest mistakes people make when making something is to try and cram in too much information into the space provided. If you can’t fit it all in, try pairing down your text to the absolute minimum or make more than one image. Also: make sure there is plenty of white space around the edges of your images and be mindful that your image may be viewed on a phone, tablet or desktop.

3. What colours and fonts should I use? 

Getting more sales involves people trusting you. The key to trust is consistency. They say it takes 6-12 interactions to convert a stranger into a customer but unless each one of those is visually consistent, they can cause confusion and could even turn customers away. The best way to be consistent visually is to use the exact same colours and fonts every time, no matter what kind of content you are creating. For more information about colour, have a look at this video I made. You can save your colours and fonts in Canva for quick and easy consistent branding!

With some thoughtfulness about your audience, you’ll attract, educate and engage your customers in no time.

Questions? Need help? Get in touch!
